Are you looking for the email subject lines? Here in this blog, we shall provide you 50 best hand-picked email subject lines to boost open rate.

The subject line of an email is the most essential few words in the entire email. This is the tag line of your message and the user will decide through it either to open the email or not. The subject line of your email should be so catchy and impressive that it should force the recipient to open it instantly.

Table of Contents

  1. What Makes a Good Subject Line?
  2. Email Subject Line Is the Defining Parameter
  3. 50 Best Email Subject Lines
  4. Conclusion

It must contain a hint that what this email has to say, but it must not reveal everything about it. Today, nearly everyone’s email inbox is packed with the bombardment of many emails. What do people use as a filter when they look at the email list? The first thing they notice is the subject line.

If it is appealing, they open it to read it. If not, they ignore or delete it permanently without bothering what this email is about. The importance of the subject line can be calculated from the fact that this is the only shot for connecting with a business contact or a customer.

What Makes a Good Subject Line?

what makes a good subject line

The strategies for creating a powerful subject line vary from business to business. But you can improve it by keeping certain things in mind. For example, keep it as much brief as you can. According to an estimate, a subject line with 50 or fewer characters resulted in a 15% higher open rate.

Also, it must be unique and interesting for the readers. Avoid using clichés and over-used words. A subject line must work as a hook to capture the readers’ attention. It must contain valuable content with a loud and clear voice stating that ‘here is something really important for you’.

Trustworthiness should be the priority of your brand to enter right into the hearts of your audience. Consequently, the subject line must be purified from the fake-bait content and the email should be about what you promised without grammatical errors.

Here are some essential elements your subject line must possess irrespective of your objectives:


A sense of urgency makes desire in the people to take some action. Strategically, and deliberately, you can create a powerful effect in your subject line. For example, if it reflects the end date of an offer, promotion, or sale, the viewer will look through it.

Let us mention another benefit of this kind of effect is that you can send more similar emails that work as a countdown timer. Make sure these emails should not be too many to become off spammy.


The subject line must be based on the interest of your audience. It needs to be appealing and must cast a spell on the reader, for instance, “you will benefit if your open this email”. It is also mandatory if you create a sense of secret. Because to get more of it, they require to open the email and cherish their thoughts.

As hinted above, your subject line must be a reflection of the whole message. If you failed to do so, you will be punished by losing interest in your audience. Once the audience loses interest your credibility will shatter to the core of your business.


Every recipient is different than others in terms of interests. Therefore, be careful to send the same email to them. This is the point where the marketers must be aware of the names, jobs, interests, likes, dislikes, and preferences.

If this information will be with the marketer, they will plan the best email marketing strategy. Also, use a personalized subject line from where the subscriber gets an essence that this email is particularly for the recipient.


People love to have new things and look for different experiments. They will be more interested in getting offers rather than buying anything at the full price. People love to get free or discounted commodities. Therefore, if you want to get the full attention of your audience, mention “free stuff” in the subject line.

Keep It Short, Sweet, and Smart

If the subject line is too lengthy, especially on mobile phones, they will cut off. If you want to cut the email subject lines short, do some homework and remove the redundant details fearlessly.

For instance, if you plan to send the order confirmation, avoid mentioning “your order number 1234567890 is being processed” rather than use, “your order is being processed”. Also, experts are of the view that one should avoid using the words like ‘update’ or ‘newsletter’ in the email subject lines because they minimize the open rate. The reader gets an idea that this message is linked with the previous one or part of a series, so they make their mind to catch the next.

Email Subject Line Is the Defining Parameter

subject lineis defining parameter

47% of the email recipients open up an email solely based on your subject line. Let us tell some horrible thing, 69% of the email receivers report it as spam based on the subject line. Surprised? You should be! Because this is the point to ponder that you cannot make your audience a fool by sending them the content that stands contrary to the subject line.

By creating something cool that may qualify to get attention or even your audience opens it up. What if they report it as spam? You need to think about it when you are planning an email strategy.

However, a personalized email subject line is based on the true sense of the actual message. We are sure that you are now well aware of the importance of this one line. It has all the qualities to grab the eyes of the customers.

50 Best Email Subject Lines

Here are 50 examples of the best email marketing subject lines, with the surety that they will work.

Play with the Mind

play with the mind

According to psychology, fear of missing is practically impossible to resist. You are welcome to play with the mind of your recipient and use the element of urgency in your email subject line.

According to the market experts, the words that show time-sensitivity like, breaking, urgent, alerts, and important proved to increase the open rate.

Here are some of the great examples of subject lines for emails that use for the fear of missing:

  1. “Your prescription is about to expire”
  2. “You are missing something”
  3. “Last Day to buy this online”
  4. “Last Day to get 70% discount”
  5. “One Day left to watch this movie for free”
  6. “John! Earn 2x points today only”
  7. “Collect your offer NOW, before it’s too late”
  8. “DO NOT miss the free vouchers”
  9. ‘Today Only: receive your denim at home!”

Make Your Customer Curious

make your customer curious

To crack the curiosity is the humans’ natural desire. If we see something mysterious, we try as much as we can to know the details to fill the knowledge gap. The sender of an email campaign can play with this human instinct to use it for pre-defined purposes.

You can give a hint to your recipients of something and then leave everything on them to play openly. They will open the email as you craft the subject line in the well-defined time and space. You can make them curious by asking them a question, saying something that sounds unusual, promise them something interesting.

For example;

10. “Don’t open the email”

  1. “Last day to open the mystery box”
  2. “5 habits that make you richer”
  3. “Check out the pictures of the newly found island”
  4. “Which is the most money-making career in marketing”
  5. “Most weird prisoners in the world!”
  6. “What prisoners eat in jail”
  7. “6 hidden facts about thanksgiving”
  8. “5 disgusting facts about black Friday”
  9. “Unwrap the surprise gift for your”
  10. “What is new in the town?”
  11. “how to live at home 24/7?”

Humorous Subject Lines

If you can make your subject line enough humorous that will make your recipients laugh, they will surely open it at the first glance. A subject line that tickles your funny bone, will have some serious stuff to laugh at.

Your reader will think that if the few lines are capable enough to make you laugh, the email content must be funny too-the open rate will rise high. Though, you have to pay some extra attention to creativity to make your reader laugh. Because to make some smile or laugh is among the most difficult tasks in the world. But it will pay back something you are really looking for.

Have a look at some of the funny email subject lines,

22. “Licking your phone never tastes good”

  1. “Offers that make us proud (unlike our gatekeeper, Nicholas)
  2. “We like being used, use us NOW!”
  3. “Boom Shaklak! Let’s start something new”
  4. “Avoid these 15 people on New Year’s Eve”
  5. “New vacations on Mars”


self importance

No one in the world is free from vanity. It exists and everyone has a bit of it. People like to be liked and love to be accepted. There is nothing to be surprised and it is part of being human. That is why it is clever to use pride subject lines to give some extra cushion to your readers.

When they will learn that they are getting importance and recognition, they will surely get into your content and be a permanent part of yours. So, your email subject line must reflect the fact that the recipient is different from others. He must feel at home to open your email campaign.

 For example

28. “STOP wearing last year’s styles”

  1. “You will look more attractive in these pants”
  2. “Age-defying beauty tips”
  3. “Get ready to hit the gym!”
  4. “Wear this and look like celebs”
  5. “DON’T get lost in the work! Find some time to visit here”


The greed factor persists in every person-calls it less or more. Let’s discuss it with an example, think for a while that you have just bought a pair of trousers from a shop and the next day the same company offers you to buy another in a different color with 70% off. What will be your reaction? Will you not avail a chance to have it?

You will! Not only you but everyone who has some extra money in their pocket or not will try to get the opportunity to buy a thing at that massive discount. This is the reason we often find discounts, sales, and offers in the email subject lines.

Also, be careful offering huge discounts so that your audience might not take it as a scam. Just possess a balanced approach and win the market.

Here is a list of some subject lines to hit harder on the greed instinct of your recipients;

34. “Wear brand new jeans at a discounted price”

  1. “Sale Alert!”
  2. “Summer Clearance”
  3. “Winter Clearance”
  4. “Buy one get one free”
  5. “Must-haves for your home”
  6. “New product you can’t live without”
  7. “30% off on your favorite items”
  8. “Great luxury at a little price”
  9. “Complementary gift on $100 shopping”
  10. “Buy today and get massive discount”

Pain Point

pain point

If you know your buyer, you should be aware of their pain points. Use these pain points carefully and force your clients to open the email at the priority. Be a problem solver! Show yourself before them that you are the only one who knows the problem and has the solution.

 Here are some examples;

45. “Get your sewage fixed without breaking the bank”

  1. “Buy low-priced toys from us”
  2. “Fix your kitchen space with these tricks”
  3. “How to not miss your next flight?”
  4. “Get affordable fashion”
  5. “Learn a new language in 1 month”

How Does Mumara Help to Design Your Subject Line?

how does Mumara help to design your subject line

Mumara is one of the most intelligent email automation software of the current time. It gives you a lot of options to customize your email campaign. You can easily create a beautiful broadcast and send it to the users with personalized email subject lines.

A Mumara user can maneuver the content the way he wants. Advanced level tools and features with full authority allows the reader to make catchy taglines. You can test everything before sending it to the customers. Too, you can conduct a split test to know which subject line has the more open rate. These practices will definitely be helpful to make marketing easy for you.


To conclude we can say that, subject lines are the most important part of an email. You must show some care to choose the words when crafting a subject line. Being a marketer, you can set the tone of the subject line either funny or serious. Also, do not show all the cards in the subject line, rather give a clue to the reader to open the email to know more of it.

Eric Lee

A reader, writer, researcher, and explorer!

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