Email segmentation is the division of email subscribers into small groups following a specific criterion. You can split your mailing list based on the user's age group, job title, location, interests, preferences, etc. so that you can send the right information in a personalized way.

Email segmentation can increase your revenue by up to 58% because it helps you send targeted emails. An email list may consist of many users and their activities might also vary from each other.

To get the precise best results, intelligent email marketers send their email campaigns to the right audience at the right time.

For example, you have an email list containing various subscribers from every age group, and you want to send a message specific to young people. Will it be mindful to send your message to the whole list? Certainly not!

By segmenting your email list, you will be able to send your message accurately to the users it is made for. Mumara helps you segment your list by applying various filters as per your needs.

In this article, you will learn email segmentation and how to create a segment on Mumara. There you go!

Table of Contents

  1. What is email segmentation?
  2. Why is email segmentation important?
    • You can connect with the right audience effectively
    • It improves your email reputation
    • Create targeted campaigns and promotions
    • Reduce bounce and unsubscribe rate
    • Increase open and click-through rate
    • Segmentation increases ROI
  3. How to create a segment on Mumara?
  4. Segment your email list now!

What Is Email Segmentation?

Email segmentation is the division of email subscribers into small groups following a specific criterion. You can split your mailing list based on the user’s age group, job title, location, interests, preferences, etc. so that you can send the right information in a personalized way.

email segmentation | Mumara

This process increases engagement because you send the content to the relevant recipients. Email marketing has passed through a tough process of evolution and has taken a shape as we see it today.

Previously, marketers used to send emails to subscribers without noticing the engagement and results. As soon as email marketing automation tools hit the market, everything has become systematic.

Today, you have to play tricks with your email marketing strategy to get the full benefits. Quality has replaced quantity as sending emails to many irrelevant people is just a waste of money and time.

No matter how beautifully you design your email campaign, if it is not going to the relevant users, it is of no use. Therefore, segmentation is the biggest reality of today.

Why Is Email Segmentation Important?

The first and foremost benefit of email segmentation is that it enables you to send your message to the targeted subscribers.

Let us understand this with an example. When we visit a zoo we see many animals there including tigers, goats, deer, lions, zebra, hippopotamus, etc.

Although they share the same boundary wall they are not kept together as we all know the reason behind this. The same is the case with your email list; your list may consist of various subscribers having different tastes and preferences.

If you keep them together, you will not be able to get the desired results. The emails you send to the targeted audience give you more than a 20% higher open and click-through rate.

It is a powerful strategy that assists you to achieve exactly what you need without breaking the bank.

Here are some of the key benefits of email marketing, let us discuss them one by one:

You Can Connect with the Right Audience Effectively

Marketers of today accept the value of email personalization. They are of the view that sending your message to the right people effectively has never been important as today.

connect with right audience through email segmentation | Mumara

One of the basic goals of email segmentation is to enhance engagement leading to conversions. So when you send the targeted emails to the right audience, it aids you to bring your users to the sales funnel.

Email marketing has a lot of benefits and many businesses and brands send emails to their users on daily basis. On average, a user receives around 90 emails daily.

It is not possible to read all the emails so the recipients read the one that is tailored for them with a solution to their problems.

It Improves Your Email Reputation

What is more important than getting a higher open and click-through rate on your email campaign? When you send a segmented and targeted message, it is naturally more engaging to that recipient.

When these recipients will receive emails from you regularly with a solution, they will keep waiting for your message. As soon as they will get your message, they will open it instantly which will ultimately increase your email reputation.

Think like a recipient for a moment. You have just received many emails in your email inbox, which one you will open first? The one that will be made for you. This is why segmentation is helping you get the wanted outcomes.

Create Targeted Campaigns and Promotions

As we have discussed in the above lines that if you want to send your content to the pertinent chunk, then segment it accordingly. After creating a segment, you will be able to design and send appropriate campaigns and promotions to suitable users.

Further, it will turn your ordinary buyers into permanent fans. Sending special offers will keep your fans alert and awaiting and you will get more clicks, and sales, which will take your business to new heights of success.

Reduce Bounce and Unsubscribe Rate

When you use intelligent email marketing automation software like Mumara, it will assist you to keep an eye on the engagement of the users.

bounce rate | Mumara

Some of the subscribers will actively be opening up your emails, we call them active subscribers. Others of them will give a cold shoulder to your message and we call them inactive subscribers.

If you will keep sending your emails to inactive users, it will increase the bounce and unsubscribe rate. On the other hand, sending your message to active users enable you to get in touch with interested users.

When your message will be sent to the appropriate users, it will reduce the bounce and unsubscribe rate.

Increase Open and Click-Through Rate

There is no hard and fast rule behind increasing the open and click-through rate. You can improve it when your message will be sent to the right people.

Also, bombarding the mailboxes takes you nowhere. If the recipients and the message are made for each other, a significant increase in open and click-through rates will be noticed.

Segmentation Increases ROI

Segmented email campaigns bring around 58% ROI for you. Here you need to keep an important point in mind that it is of course not only segmentation that helps you increase the ROI but also the content you send to the users.

Feed the users with the right piece of information so that you get more interested users ultimately increasing your sales.

How to Create a Segment on Mumara?

A segment is a virtual list of contacts created on similarities, preferences, likelihoods, and differences.

It is not an actual list but a separate list containing like-minded users, and you can perform any action on it as you perform on a contact list.

You can apply various filters on Mumara to customize your contact list based on “Contact Details”, i.e., Confirmation Status, Bounce Status, etc., or “By Field Value”, i.e., first name, last name, country, company, etc. Looking to create a segment?

Sign in to your Mumara account and follow the steps explained in the upcoming lines:

  • Navigate to Lists>Segments>Add New, and you will see the screen just like shown in the below picture:
create a segment on Mumara

Fill out the segment details as under:

  • Segment Name: Mention a friendly name of your segment to be used later on.

Types of Segments

There are two types of Segments available on Mumara:

  1. Based on Contact Lists
  2. Based on Statistics

Segment Based on Contact List

Select “Based on Contact Lists” if you want to create a segment on your contact list(s). You will see the following screen to proceed further:

segment based on contact list | Mumara

Group your contacts by selecting a list from “Filter by List.”

  • Any Contact List: If you select “Any Contact List”, it will ignore the list-specific criterion and the filter will be applied to all the lists in your database.
  • Contact List: It allows you to select a single list or multiple lists from the checkboxes to get the desired results.
  • Member of: It will show you the already created groups. You can select from “Select all” or any specific group. This option will help you choose a group instead of a list.
  • Custom Criteria: Select “List Name” or “Group” from your already created lists and groups and apply filters to them.
  • Advance Criteria: In advance criteria, you can “Select Criteria” from “Is Member of” or “isn’t Member of” the list, and then choose the list from the dropdown. After selecting the list, apply your desired filter.

Apply Filters

You can select a filter from the dropdown and apply it to your desired list(s) or group(s).

apply filters for your email segmentation | Mumara
  • Status: Select the active status of the contact, i.e., is it active or not?
  • Subscription Status: Select the subscription status of the contact, i.e., is it unsubscribed or isn’t unsubscribed.
  • Confirmation Status: Select the confirmation status of the contact, i.e., is it confirmed or isn’t confirmed.
  • Complained Status: Select the complained status of the contact, i.e., is it spammed, or isn’t spammed.
  • Content Format: The contacts that are set to receive the HTML or TEXT format of the email.
  • Bounce status: Select the bounce status of the contact, i.e., not bounced, soft bounce, or hard bounce.
  • Click Count, if you want to count the contacts after applying a filter.
  • Click Save, if you want to create a segment after selecting a list(s) or group(s), and applying a filter.

Segment Based on Statistics

Give a friendly name for your segment, select “Based on Statistics” and click Next if you want to create a segment on the statistics.

The segment on the statistics will be created on the results and similar engagements.

You will see the following screen:

segment based on stats | Mumara

You can create a segment based on the statistics also. By keeping an eye on the stats you get from the email campaigns, you can segment your users based on engagements.

In this way, you will be able to send your campaigns/broadcasts to the contacts who wish to receive them. Select your broadcasts, apply a filter, and create a new segment.

Filter by Activity

A filter can be set to a broadcast based on the activity. You can select from the two types of broadcasts:

  1. Any Broadcast: Create a segment on any broadcast you sent.
  2. Selected Broadcast: Create a segment on the selected broadcast. You can choose a campaign from the ‘Selected Broadcasts’ field.

Any Broadcast

By choosing any broadcast, a segment will be created on all the broadcasts you have sent from Mumara.

Select Criteria

Select criteria from the dropdown:

select a criteria for segment | Mumara

Choose a criterion that you feel is relevant for your segmentation, i.e.:

By Contacts Activity

Create a segment based on your contact’s activity when you send a broadcast.

  • Has Opened the Broadcast: Select this option if you want to create a segment of the users who have opened your broadcast.
  • Hasn’t Opened any Broadcast: Select this option if you want to create a segment of the users who have NOT opened your broadcast.
  • Has unsubscribed: Create a segment of the users who have unsubscribed from your email list.
  • Has complained: Create a segment of the users who have reported/marked your email as spam.

By Delivery Status

Create a segment based on your broadcast’s delivery status.

  • Sent: Select this option when you want to create a segment of the contacts to whom the broadcast is sent.
  • Never Sent: Create a segment of the contacts to whom your email campaign has never been sent.
  • Injected into MTA: Create a segment if the email is injected into the MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) and yet to be delivered to the recipients.
  • Delivered: Choose ‘Delivered’ if you want to create a segment of the contacts to whom your email campaign is delivered.
  • Delayed: Create a segment of the users to whom the email is not sent due to the size of the email or any other issue.
  • Bounced: Create a segment of the contacts to whom the email is not delivered, rather it is bounced.

Segment Your Email List Now

Email segmentation is exceedingly appreciated by marketers, and accepted by the recipients. If you want to send an email campaign, we suggest you segment your email list to increase, the open & click-through rate, increase your sales, boost your business, and get a higher return on investment.

By list segmentation, you will be able to send your content to the relevant audience. Further, it will help you design your email with a specific layout and content that is already accepted by the users.

Sending the same email campaign to the users who are not relevant will not give you the required results. Sending your emails to the appropriate audience will allow you to customize your email in the best way.

It is possible to layout your content when you already know about the personas of your users. There are many other countless benefits that you can read in the above lines.

We recommend you start using Mumara now and get the best experience of contact list segmentation to increase your sales and return on investment.

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Eric Lee

A reader, writer, researcher, and explorer!

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