Digital marketing is a method to influence and connect with existing or potential customers. Marketers do it with a combination of channels involving social media marketing posts, video content, and advertisements on social media and search engines.

Digital marketing refers to the marketing methods implemented through electronic devices and conducted on the internet. Marketing is a process that uses some practices to satisfy the customers that ultimately increase sales and boosts the business.

Table of Contents

  1. What is digital marketing?
  2. Benefits of digital marketing
    • Cost-effective
    • Reach around the globe
    • Higher return on investment
    • Target the right audience
    • Relationship building
  3. How does digital marketing work?
    • SEO (Search engine optimization)
    • Content marketing
    • Pay per click (PPC)
    • Social media marketing (SMM)
    • Affiliate marketing
    • Email marketing
  4. Bottom line

From a general standpoint, digital marketing denotes the marketing campaigns that can be seen on phones, desktops, or other devices. Every one of us might have seen online video ads, social media paid ads, and ads on search engines – these are all forms of digital marketing.

It is more than a decade marketing through digital channels has engulfed everything and businesses are obtaining full advantage of it. Digital marketing came up with brand new ideas of success that made the brands stand out glittering in the marketing.

Previously, the sources of marketing were limited and expensive also. Businesses had to spend a lot on print and electronic media to get some space and air time to get noticed by the audience. Today, when social media and email marketing are involved everywhere, digital marketing becomes the talk of the town.

Although traditional marketing is still not wiped away, marketers combine digital marketing as the best strategy. Implementation of digital marketing is not so easy if you do not know about it completely.

In this blog, we shall discuss digital marketing, and how it works. There you go!

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a method to influence and connect with existing or potential customers. Marketers do it with a combination of channels involving social media marketing posts, video content, and advertisements on social media and search engines.

Read also: What Is Internet Marketing? Introduction, Types, and Importance

What is Digital marketing | Mumara

As we have hinted in the above lines the paradigm is shifting from traditional marketing to the digital world. The problem with marketing through traditional marketing is that you cannot customize your audience.

For example, let us talk about email marketing for a while; when you plan to send email marketing campaigns, you can send them to the segments you have created on the email lists. On the other hand, for example, on television, can you send your message to a particular class or group of people? Certainly not!

Your message will go to all the people without any scrutiny. The targeted audience has to determine if the message is for whom. Digital marketing has countless benefits that we shall discuss in the upcoming lines.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has obtained a distinctive place in a short period. It got popularity because people today spend a reasonable time online using search engines and social media channels. It provides the customers with a decent luxury to connect with the brands and give feedback in a more appropriate manner.

When people are online, they expect their beloved brands too available online too to get relevant information instantaneously. Digital marketing allows you to build a powerful relationship with the users and notify them about any update with a click.

Along with it, you can do research for your local clients, and target them accordingly. The best factor of this process is that it is easy to learn and there is no rocket science implemented in it. You can apply several strategies at the same time to get the best results.

When many people are online, there are countless chances that you will get more and more engagement. Sitting anywhere in the world, you can target your customers around the globe. Moreover, if you want to increase your brand awareness, digital marketing could be the best choice for you.

Here are some more benefits to enhance your vision:


Think for a while, you live in Asia but want to market your business in the USA. How would you do that? Would you like to go there personally and print some banners and paste them on the billboards? Or would to like to make a huge investment to publish your ads in the newspapers or advertise on television? Sound scary? No more!

Digital marketing has reduced costs and you can feel free to target your audience from wherever you want. Even with a small investment, you can penetrate the market of your choice and sell your products.

Reach Around the Globe

According to an adage, the internet has made the world a global village. You need not worry about going anywhere physically. Everyone uses the internet so you can compel the users to see and purchase your product.

Reach to the audience around the globe with Mumara

You can show the ad for your product to sell in the different states, countries, or different areas of your own country.

Higher Return on Investment

Digital marketing is something that gives you a higher return on investment. For example, if we talk about email marketing for a while, you can get $42 on every $1 spent, and that is huge undoubtedly.

While using traditional channels of marketing, you cannot measure the results. On the other hand, if you use digital marketing, you can view real-time results and stats that help you improve your strategy.

Target the Right Audience

Targeting the right audience has become so easy now. This bonus is not available in traditional marketing. The reason behind this is that, in traditional marketing, you send your advertisement to all and sundry.

Target the right audience with digital marketing | Mumara

For example, you are a company that produces sanitary pads. When you advertise about it, everyone will see indiscriminate gender. On the other hand, in digital marketing, you can divide your audience into segments and target the right audience.

Relationship Building

At the time using the internet, when you keep seeing the progress and products of the brand you like, it will help you grow your relationship.

A brand will keep showing the products that you need instantly or in the upcoming days. The benefit of this strategy is that your customer will become your fan and the bond will get stronger.

A business of any size can avail of the benefits of digital marketing. The cost of the marketing process goes with the size of your audience and business. Before you implement your digital marketing strategy, you need to learn how digital marketing works. Let’s have a look at this in the next lines.

How Does Digital Marketing Work?

Digital marketing shows you various routes to come to a single destiny. Being a business or brand, you can figure out this from another perspective. In a company, many employees might be working in different departments.

The nature of the tasks might vary from person to person but the way they work has a collective outcome – to make the business successful. The same is the case with digital marketing.

There are various ways to bring your customers to your product including search engines, and social media. All you need is to generate enough traffic to your website that helps in making your business prosper.

Let us discuss everything in detail to understand the importance and functionality:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Out of 4.72 billion users worldwide, 4.3 billion use google every day. It consists of more than 90% of the market share. These users come to google to find some products or services when hundreds and thousands of sellers are available around the globe.

Then again, around 90% of the people visit the websites that are shown on the first page of google. Only 10% of the users go to the second page. That is why someone has humorously said, “the second page of google is the best place to hide a dead body.”

Here comes the SEO in your service to keep your product and website on the first page of google to get more traffic that ultimately increases sales. If you make your website SEO-friendly, it means that you made a tremendous job.

It will help you keep your online brand website on the first page of google. To generate organic traffic, you will be needing some patience and time. For that reason, you need to pay the search engines to show you at the top of the searches. Search Engine Optimization is free to implement and your traffic will be increased with the passage of time.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the pillars of digital marketing. Without doing content marketing, you will not be able to describe your brand to the audience. It helps you grow your customer base, and convince the users to take interest in your product.

what is content marketing | Mumara

Using this technique, you will be able to build and share your business and product profile with billions of people. Along with it, you can write EBooks, blog posts, and knowledgebase, and create videos and posts for social media marketing channels.

Content marketing is basically done to increase brand awareness and penetrate the hearts of the users through your words.

Pay per Click (PPC)

Pay per click or PPC, the title tells everything about the functionality. You have to pay for every click you get on your website. Let us make it more simplified. You advertised an ad, and you started receiving an audience on your website.

Every time when a user clicks on the ad, you have to pay for the number of clicks. For example, if you have a budget of 100 dollars and the rate of PPC is $10/click, it means that you will get 10 inorganic users on your website for $100.

SEO takes time to show your website on the first page, therefore, it is important to use PPC advertising to get traffic for a while.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

In today’s world, we cannot ignore the importance of social media. We can harvest various benefits using these channels to get advertised and traffic for the website. Every person who has a smartphone and internet uses social media.

According to the stats available on google, people spend more than two hours on social media on average. This is too much time that must not be ignored when you can use it for something better.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another big shot in digital marketing. To affiliate marketing, you will need a brand ambassador or influencer to market your product and get the commission. Many celebrities and influencers are available to collaborate to get your message and product across.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most important parts of digital marketing. It helps you target your customers individually, and this is the thing that makes it distinctive as compared to others. Forbes says that an average person opens email more than 15 times a day.

what is email marketing | Mumara

It helps you generate more leads to grow your business. It makes you able to send timely information, offers, and coupons to the people who have chosen you to get more from you. You can build your email list, and segment it further according to age group, interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes.

This process will help you target the right audience. With the advent of email marketing automation platforms, it has become so easy to design your emails, and send them right to the inboxes of the users.

Many businesses use this platform to send information, newsletters, offers, and updates about the services they offer or products they sell.

Bottom Line

So far we have discussed digital marketing and the way it works. Summing up, we can say that it is the best way to get the attention of more than five billion people using the internet. You can plan and implement a digital marketing strategy that will help you take your business to the next level.

Further, you can use the above-mentioned various ways to get the users to your product in order to build awareness. As we have pointed out that the among all, email marketing can provide you with more results.

The good news is that you need to do nothing but come to Mumara, get a plan, and target your audience sitting anywhere in the world. 

Click to read more Email Marketing Blogs.

Click to read more Digital Marketing Blogs.

Eric Lee

A reader, writer, researcher, and explorer!

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